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Friday, July 26, 2024

Lesson 7: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

Lesson 7: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

Lesson 7: Learning Grammar Through Conversations by Dr. Snea Thinsan

(Past Simple vs. Present Perfect)

A: "How long ___ you lived here?"

B: "I ___ here for five years."

Answer: c) have / have lived - Present Perfect is used for actions that started in the past and continue to the present.

(Modals of Obligation)

A: "You ___ wear a helmet when riding a bike."

B: "I always do."

Answer: b) must - 'Must' indicates strong obligation or necessity.

(Future Continuous)

A: "What ___ you be doing at 8 PM tonight?"

B: "I ___ watching a movie."

Answer: a) will / will be - Future Continuous is used to describe actions happening at a specific time in the future.

(Comparative and Superlative Adjectives)

A: "This is the ___ restaurant in town."

B: "Yes, it's even ___ than the one we went to last week."

Answer: c) best / better - 'Best' is the superlative form, and 'better' is the comparative form.

(Prepositions of Place)

A: "The cat is hiding ___ the bed."

B: "I see its tail sticking out."

Answer: c) under - 'Under' indicates the position below something.

(Zero Conditional)

A: "If you ___ water to 100 degrees Celsius, it ___. "

B: "That's right."

Answer: a) heat / boils - Zero Conditional is used for general truths or scientific facts.

(Passive Voice: Present Perfect)

A: "The project ___ finished by the team."

B: "That's great news!"

Answer: a) has been - Passive Voice in Present Perfect is formed with 'has been' + past participle.

(Reported Speech: Statements)

A: "She said that she ___ the meeting."

B: "I hope she finds it useful."

Answer: b) enjoyed - Reported Speech shifts the tense back one step from the present to the past.

(Present Continuous for Future Arrangements)

A: "We ___ dinner with friends tomorrow night."

B: "That sounds fun!"

Answer: b) are having - Present Continuous is used for future arrangements.

(Articles: A, An, The)

A: "Can you pass me ___ salt, please?"

B: "Sure, here it is."

Answer: c) the - 'The' is used for specific items known to both speaker and listener.

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