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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Education for Peace: What I wrote in 2008-9

Education for Peace: What I wrote in 2008-9

I believe education should help to plant the seeds of peace within individuals, society, nation, and our shared globe, simply because only peaceful people can love and serve others constructively in the humankind society in order to bring about positive changes to it. Education that follows the trail paved roughly and inadequately for us by the materialistic, capitalistic efforts and ignorant perspectives of life will continue to serve the status quo, which structurally has generated ignorance, oppression, and thus violence at all levels.
At the personal level, all individuals will need to find the peace in them through the right kind of education that promotes critical personal reflections and actions more intensely, rather than gearing toward test-taking or material success pursuit. In the real world, a balance between different purposes may be needed, but peace must be a major part of the equation. On the societal scale, peace-oriented education cannot be any more important nowadays.  The learners must be encouraged to see the world from multiple perspectives and to reassign their roles in bringing about positive changes. In the end, global education, peace education, civil education and the like must be encouraged or integrated around the world where ignorance, nationalism, patriotism, and violence forcefully prevail. Talk is merely enough, and it can be cheap; however, unless we talk in a caring, sincere and regular manner, we could forget the importance of planting and taking care of the sees of peace.  Actions must be taken regularly, too, so the peace seeds will grow and yield fruits to the humankind.
I have worriedly noticed that hatred, mutual misunderstanding, lack of critical thinking, ethno-centricism, greed, ignorance, unkind pride, narrow-mindedness, and extremism are creating tensions and violence among the humankind at all levels. Education is the most powerful tool to fight against all these downfalls of the human race. I am therefore very interested in how to incorporate all these in education of all types.
Here I will share all that I have learned about this new field.
Other Sources of Food for Thought
Stanford on iTunes
Ethics Video (Philosophy)
UC Berkeley webcasthttp://webcast.berkeley.edu/
University of Chicago research video
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